1913 – Midsummer Pleasantries
Run 1:
23rd of June to the 26th of June
Played in the Nordic languages
Run 2:
28th of June to the 1st of July
Played in the Nordic languages
600 euro sponsor ticket
480 euro ordinary ticket
300 euro reduced ticket
Day 1: 23rd of June & 28th of June
13.00 Arrival on site
14.00 Workshops
18.00 Dinner
21.00 Done for the day
Day 2: 24th of June & 29th of June
Wake up in-game
Day 3: 25th of June & 30th of June
Day 4: 26th of June & 1st of July
Game ends around lunchtime
You are free to leave the location at the latest 14.00
You have to leave location by 16.00